MackeyRMS: Smarter Research Management


Boston-based founders of investment management research software MackeyRMS, Chris Mackey and Hoony Youn visited Australia recently to meet with clients and discuss their technology offering with members of the Australian investment community.

Launched in 2011 in the US by fund analysts frustrated by the lack of usability and efficiency of other research management systems, MackeyRMS is now used by firms with over $US2 trillion in assets under management.

The Company counts some of the world's largest investment managers as clients, and its platform's focus on mobility, speed, and usability has struck a chord with end users in over 30 countries.

MackeyRMS said its competitors have struggled with user adoption for years due to their "unrealistic thick client approach." The platform relies on a multitude of integrations with internal and third party productivity tools, a proprietary auto-tagging engine, and its mobile-first methodology to enhance the research process of modern investors.

MackeyRMS Applications

The system is set up to provide:

* Company-wide research, file sharing and collaboration on a single web-based platform.
* Automated and accessible storylines including notes, emails, contacts, models, documents, events, & conversations.
* Robust contact database for sell-side, management, investor and expert network contacts.
* Threads sortable by ticker, topic, timeline, contact, keywords and more.

Sign up here for a demonstration of the service, or contact Nathan Walker to schedule a meeting.