Hostplus' Self-Managed Invest (SMI)

Industry super fund HostPlus has made six of its investment options available to self managed superannuation funds. The product - called Hostplus' SMI options - enables SMSFs investors to pool their funds with HostPlus and was trialed by 50 SMSFs for six months before being officially launched in June.

The options available to SMSFs are those typically difficult for small investors to access and include its flagship balanced option, the indexed balanced option, and unlisted options IFM - Australian Infrastructure, Industry Super Property Trust - Australian Property, and its diversified infrastructure and property options.

The product also features a completely digital platform for funds to onboard and invest with.

"We wanted to continue to have an investment relationship with [members who left the fund to start an SMSF] with the long term view hoping they would return when they realised an SMSF was no longer something they wanted to do," Hostplus' group executive, member experience, Paul Watson, said.