TCorp appoints Head of Exposure Management following restructure

Patrick Fanning
New South Wales Treasury Corporation - Head of Exposure Management
Date: August 2018
Position: Head of Exposure Management

NSW Treasury Corporation (TCorp) has confirmed to Industry Moves the internal appointment of Patrick Fanning as head of exposure management, following a restructure of the firm's investments business.

The restructure, which was first announced in May, involved the creation of four new roles in addition to Fanning's: head of investment advisory, which has been filled by Steve McKenna, former head of investment strategy and asset allocation; as well as head of portfolio construction, head of partner selection and GM technology, which are still to be filled.

Fanning was previously TCorp's senior manager of fund operations and implementation, having joined TCorp in October 2015 from the role of transitions manager at AMP Capital.

A spokesperson for TCorp said that the new investment team structure will be "launched [this] week."