Steven Quirk appointed to the board of ACS

Steven Quirk
Australian Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund - Director - Employee representative
Australian Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund
Date: July 2015
Position: Director - Employee representative

The Australian Catholic Super and Retirement Fund (ACS) has confirmed the appointment of Steven Quirk to its board as an employee representative. Quirk has worked in a management role at Australian Bank for one year, spent eight years in a private chartered accountant practice, 26 years as chief executive officer of St Agnes' Parish in Port Macquarie, as well as 12 years as consultant and business manager to the Dioceses of Bereina in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Honiara in the Solomon Islands.

He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate for his work with the poor and marginalised in PNG and the Soloman Islands, specialising in Church finances as it related to delivery of health and education services. As a consultant to the IT Job Training Centre Ltd in Port Moresby and Kimbe, PNG, Quirk specialised in delivery training opportunities to the disadvantaged in rural, remote and settlement areas. He was reappointed to the position of Diocesan Business Manager for PNG's Diocese of Bereina for a four-term year commencing from 1 July 2015.

Quirk also has 30 years' experience as manager and owner of an investment business specialising in property and share markets. His current or recent directorships include: member of Diocese of Bereina Finance Board; executive officer of a limited company for 15 years; and member of finance committee, Diocesan Education Board Lismore for two years.

Quirk is one of four new directors appointed to ACS in July 2015.